måndag 6 oktober 2014

The new ministers

Stefan Löfven
The new Prime minister's name is Stefan Löfven, he's 57 years old. He's born in Stockholm and have never been a politician before. He want to make school better.

Magdalena Andersson
She is born in Uppsala and has been working with economics for a long time. She has studied in Sweden, USA and Austria. She's the new finance minister.

Margot Wallström 
Margot is the new foregin minister, she's 60 years old and from Skellefteå. She never want to a university.

Åsa Romson 

She is in the Green Party. She's the new Deputy Prime Minister and she's 42 years old from Stockholm. She was a lawyer and studied at Stockholm's university. She has twitter and is a good person to follow there.

Gustav Fridolin
Gustav is in the Green Party, he's the second youngest minister on the list. When he was 19 years old he was in the Swedish parliament, it's history because it's a record for being so young in the parliament. Between 2006 and 2009 he worked as a journalist for Kalla fakta.
He has written 3 books and they all are about politics.

Alice Bah Kuhnke 
Alice is 42 years old and from Malmö. She is working on Kalla Fakta, the same as Gustav Fridolin does before. Her father is from Gambia and she was one of the best sprintes in Sweden before.

Mehmet Kaplan
He is also from the Green Party and he has worked there in eleven years. He is housing minister. He is 43 years old and he is born in Turkey.

Aida Hadzialic
She is new in the politics, youngest too, only 27 years old. She likes photography and thinks education is important. She's a social democrat and de minister of education and school.

Annika Strandhäll
She is 39 years old and she lived in Gothenburg. She studied at Gothenburg's university and she's the Social Incurance minister.

Åsa Regnér 
Åsa is the new minister for Elderly, Children and Equality. She is also new in politics. She studied at Stockholm's university and study philosophy, Spanish, and German. Last year she were in Bolivia and working for UN women.


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