tisdag 21 oktober 2014

The fault in our stars, chapter 5-11

There is a wish factory, it's only for the kid's who are very sick in cancer. Hazel has use her wish, she went to Disney with her family when she was younger. Augustus has an idea, he tell her to use her wish to go to Amsterdam and visit Peter van Houten, but she hasn't her wish left. But he has.

So he want to use his wish so they could go to Amsterdam together, but suddenly one thing happend. Hazel woke up in the middle of the night and she couldn't breathe. The drove to the hospital, she survived, but the doctors tell her that she can't go to Amsterdam.

But only a few day's later she got a email which says that she and Augustus are going to Amsterdam and meet Peter. She tell her mother about the massage and she said that they are going to Amsterdam and they have fix so she can go by airplane in a safe way.

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