fredag 3 oktober 2014

Engelska grammatik

a football
an elephant 
a uniform 
an hour 

one dog - many dogs 
one class - many classes 
one brush - many brushes 
one man - many men 
one women - women 
one knife - many knives 
one wife - many wives 
one mouse - many mice 
one louse - many lice 
Pam's book
My sister's book
Charles' book 
The roof of the house
The tail of the cat 

rich, richer, the riches 
interesting, more interesting, the most interesting 
big, bigger, the biggest 
hot, hotter, the hottest 
thin, thinner, the thinnest

me - mig
you - dig
him - honom
her - henne 
us - oss
you - er
them - dem

my pen
your pen
his pen
her pen
it's pen 
our pen 
your pen
their pen


den här - this
den där - that 
de här - these 
de där - those 

I have a bother who is lazy.
I have a car which is broken.
I have a brother whoes wife is beautiful.

I can see someone.
Can you se anyone? 
I can't se anyone.

There is a boo in the table
There are books on the table 

buy, bought, bought
fall, fell, fallen 
hit, hit, hit 
cost, cost, cost 
meet, met, met 
ring, rang, rung
forget, forgot, forgotten 
shine, shone, shone 
stand, stood, stood

Do you write a letter?
Did you write a letter? 
Can you write a letter? 
Could you write letter?
How many times did you meet him?

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