fredag 17 oktober 2014

Lost dog

The movie is about a man. One morning he found his friend dead, he has taken an overdose. He get out of his house and the only thing he wanted to do was sitting in the park alone and stare in the front of him.

But a boy come to him and ask him if he can help to find a dog, the man says no, he don't want to. But the kid, who I think was pain in the ass, don't stop ask him, so now he was running around and called on a dog he for a couple minutes ago doesn't know exist.

They stopped for a couple minutes and he was sitting on a trunk, the little boy was running around and suddenly he shouted that he had found a clue, it was poop. Poop from a dog, and he started to poke on it with a stick. The man tells him that it's worthless. The boy looked at him with tears in his eyes. He only wanted to help the person who is the dogs owner. The man thinks that is worthless, he was running around the city and was looking for a dog that don't was his or the boy's.

"But, do you haven't hear the lucution, 'a dog is the humans best friend', someone has lost his best friend" he explain. "Do you don't know how that felt?" He wondered and the man started to think about his best friend who died.

He started to run. Runt until he don't have more energy and he fell on the ground. Suddenly a dog walked by, he looked up and saw that it was the dog the boy was looking for. He went back to the boy and he tells him that the man found it and that he must give it back to the owner.

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