torsdag 3 april 2014

Notthing Hill - summary

The story is about William Tacker, a man who lived with another man in an apartment, and the other man.. He's called Spike and he's.. Special, yes, very special. Not the guy I had look at if i met him in the street.
William Tacker works in a bookshop, his "girlfriend" has broken up with him a long time ago.

The bookshop is not very popular, it's many boring books in there and they are expensive. But one day when it's only William who works in the shop Anna Scott, a famous actress from America visit the shop.
He start to be very nervous, tell her that the books are boring in there, because who wants to sell a bring book to Anna Scott?
She buy a book anyway and only a few minutes later, she's gone. William can't believe what just happend.

It's the end of the day and William has bought orange juice, he was a bit clumsy and with a corner he crashet in to a woman. The orange juice is all over her and he said "I'm so sorry, really, really sorry". And then he looked up. It's was Anna Scott. He ask her if she want's to follow him home so she could wash up.
She do it, and when she was finished and she would go, suddenly they kissed.

It was a beginning of something big in Williams life. He was in love again. He take every chance to met her and they kiss more times.
But one day when they went to Anna's hotel room her "boyfriend" was there, William is very sad.

He isn't over her, he will never be. He start's to date other girls, but no one is like Anna. He's so sad, why he fall in love with someone he never will get?
But one day when he's home, it's knock on the door. When he open it, Anna was outside. He was very sad, she was completely destroyed, pictures on her had leaked and she don't want it.
William who still is in love with her helped her and when they woke up next day they woke up in the same bed......


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