tisdag 25 november 2014

The society change the world

I think that you can't understand how many times I have stood in the front of the mirror and dislike what I saw. Or maybe you can?

It's so many teenagers who don't like how they look or wish that they had another body, face, hair or whatever. Why? I think that's the society who had change the world and our thoughts about ourselves.

Already when we were kid's our parents give us (at most us girls) Barbie and Ken to play with, Barbie with a thin body and Ken with a lot of muscles, they both are which we today will call perfect. But they are plastic, made in a fabric, we can't be like them. Every time we put on our TV at home there are commercials depicting perfect (photoshoped) bodies who show clothes, perfect faces with make up or hair I only have in my dreams.

I'm not plastic, not you either, we are humans and we all are beautiful in our own way. Our bodies is perfect and they are fantastic, even though we don't have bodies like Barbie and Ken. I want to go around in the city and not be afraid of being judged. Judged because I am who I am, judged because I don't have a body like Barbie.

In the beginning humans were shaped after the world, but now it's the world who is shaped after the humans. Even the society has changed the world, we are all going to be the same. We make the space between frames smaller and smaller, we all going to be same as everyone else. How boring? We all going to look alike everyone else, we going to wear same clothes, like the same things, nobody are dare to go agains the flow. Afraid to be judged.

That's wrong, I want to know people who are different, I want all to be different and I want that all like themselves and don't try to change because someone thinks that we aren't good enough.

We are all humans, in different bodies with different thoughts, and we are all perfect, exactly the way we are.

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