tisdag 25 februari 2014

The full monty - the words

browsing -  titta i affärer
girder - balk
quid - spänn
lassie - flicka
lad - pojke
kit - uppsättning/utrustning
daft - dum
soaking - blötläggning
pride - stolthet
numb - förlamad
sole custody - ensam vårdnad
joint custody - gemensam vårdnad
on the dole - på arbetslöshetsunderstödet
poof - fag, bög
tart - bakelse
willy - snopp

I was browsing in the shops.
It's a girder in the roof.
Give me 10 quid.
Anna is a lassie and Tom is a lad.
Take your kit off.
My dad is very daft, because he think 1+1=3
My pants are soaking, i've been outside in the rain.
Football is my pride, because it feels like I'm good at it.
It's so cold, my fingers are numb.
I think the man in the back of the room is a poof.
Tilda likes tarts.

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