tisdag 14 januari 2014


"Marcel" is a fan fiction, a fan fiction is a story about a band or an artist, this story it's about Harry in One Direction. One of One Direction's music videos is "Best song ever" and in this video has all in the band 2 characters. Harry's other character is Marcel. So this is a story about Marcel who is a character in the music video "Best song ever". It's Harrys mind, body, voice, but it's Marcel. 

Marcel is a boy, he has no friends and all the other in school always bully him. One of them, the leader always takes his lunch.
He don't like school and he don't want to go there, but one day a girl, called Cami starts in his school. In his class. She sees something with him nobody else sees and they become friends. They do a lot of funny things together and Marcel is happier than ever before. Now he got a friend.

It's Marcel's birthday and his new friend and her friends decide to surprise him. And he becomes very happy and Cami gives two concert-tickets, one for (preposition) him and one for her. They (saknas hjälpverb) going to se The Fray who is a band they both like.
The night before the concert Cami tells him that she loves to sing and she can play guitar. He really wants to hear her sing but she's to scared.

On the concert the band says that "on this song and if the camera film you, you must kiss the girl or boy beside you". The camera film Cami and Marcel and they kiss each other.
Then Marcel started to think, He think he got feelings for her. But he won't.

Cami and Marcel started to look after "meet and greet" but they found The Fray's dressing room. They get in there and she took a guitar and started to sing, Marcel thinks she sing really good.
But suddenly they hear voices it's The Fray, Cami and Marcel run out of the dressing room and Cami going on that she did not remember where they come from.
The members in The Fray found them and talked to them, they got pictures and autographs from them and they also tell them that they just heard a girl sing in the dressing room and when they went in there they don't found anyone.

A few days later The Frays do a video when they said that they heard an amazing girl sing in the dressing room and if someone know the mystery girl they will send a songvideo to them. Cami be really nervous.
Two days later Marcel notice that she still doesn't has does a video. He go home to her and take her with him and go by his car to his "studio". He show her that he can sing too and they do a video together. And on the morning it was already 2000 people who had seen it.
And a few days after that the The Fray has seen it and they call Cami and tell her thet she's going to have a own concert.

Marcel is on his way home when a boy stopped him. He tell him to never touch his girlfriend again, he be really sad, because Cami hasn't say something to him that she had a boyfriend.
He doesn't talk to her for weeks and the times fly. Cami's concert is tonight and she send him a last message and tell him that she going to have a own concert. He really want to see her sing so he went there, but when the music start she realize that she can't do this without Marcel, she ran out of the stage and Marcel run to her.

They explained that she was the other boy's girlfriend because he stopped bully Marcel. And then they go up on the stage and sing together.
One day Marcel met the boy who bully him and he hit him. Harder and harder and soon he is lying on the ground and blood comes from his nose.
Marcel hate himself, why him do that? He went to the lake and look up on the sky, take off his shirt and look at all his tattoos, it's 40. Every tattoo has ha meaning. Why does he live? He send a message to Cami and his mum and go out in the water, he want to die. He want to feel the water in his lungs.

But when he is in the water Cami come, she run out in the water, she saved him. She drove him home again and it's quiet in the car. No one want to say something. They just think about what just happend. When they went home his mum says that Marcel must go to the therapy, he doesn't want that but it's only one week.
So he want there and at first, he doesn't like it, but it feels better and better.

When Marcel is on the therapy Cami is i school, she have friends, but nobody is like Marcel, one day she sitting alone in the library, suddenly it comes a boy and sits beside her. His name is Niall and he has a band with 3 friends. Zayn, Liam and Louis, they had heard songs from her and Marcel's concert and they think they are really great. They want them to join the band. Cami follow Niall home and sing with the other boys, now she got 4 new friends and she really hope that Marcel want's so join the band.

When Marcel went home again and the first day in school he met Niall. They talked about the band and when they come to talk about Louis Marcel started to think about his first day in school. Louis is one of the boys who bully him.
Marcel went to the lake again and he was sitting on the bridge and think about it, he never want's to talk to Louis again.

But suddenly Louis came with his bike. He want's to talk to Marcel, at first Marcel don't want that but Louis tell him that he never wanted to bully and his very sad. They start's to talk about tattoos and they tell each about their tattoos. Every tattoo has a meaning.

They be friends and Marcel decided to join the band.


It's Cami's birthday and Marcel tooks Cami to celebrate her. They eat her favorite food and then he wants to tell her one thing. He going to a college in America and his present to her was a ring, that ring means that they'll be together in that four years he is in the college and when he comes back they'll be together. She be very sad.

Next morning she got a letter, she's going to a music college in America. What? It's must be another person who had fix that. She takes the car home to Marcel and ask him, but it wasn't him. His alarm clock started to ring. It's was one of The Fray's songs and Cami started to scream.
Was it The Fray?

She call The Fray and they answer that the know people from that school and they had show them the video when she sing. They like her very much and now they tell her that it's up to her if she want go to that college. She really want it. It's in America, Marcel also going to a college in America. They'll be together anyway.

On the last day in school Marcel would give a speech and he talked about that all in the room see him like the nerd in the front of the classroom, but it's not him. He's not the nerd in the front of the classroom, he's Marcel. He tell about the bullying and how badly he has dimensions during it.
And when he sit down again all in the whole room clap their hands.
When we go out the worst person that bully him walking over to him and tell him that he's sorry.

And in the end of the book it's four years later and they are in their wedding. The band is singing and they have fans. They're happy now, Marcel is happy.

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