fredag 10 januari 2014

Lost in London

The book is about a boy, he socialize with wrong people. They stolen cars and sell them. One day when his sister Rita comes home from the work and find the house like a mess. There was newspaper and magazines on the floor and dirt plates and cups on the table. And when she went in to the kitchen there was a lot of dirty plates there to.
She dosen't want to cook dinner so she went in to the living-room again and tell she's brother that he must go and buy food at the china-restaurant
She was really tired and suddenly she fell a sleep and when he woke up on the morning she's brother wasn't there.

So Rita started to look after Ross (she's brother), but she don't find her, she ask the boy in the china-restaurant and he remember him because he £50 note, they joked about he had robbed a bank.
She went home again and find Steve, the leader of the gang Ross was with. They were after something, she told him to go out of her house, she said that he going to call the police and then he replied that it isn't good for Ross if she did this. And she looking after that Steve looking for and she found a box with £3000 and a lot of keys.

Is it that Steve and his gang do? Stole cars and sell them, £3000 is a lot of money.

She get out again and start to search for Ross, and she found a man who's name is Dan, they search for Ross together and after a few days they found him, but he don't want to live i London, because he knows that Stave search after him and he want to start a new life. He had two tickets to the airplane and he wants Rita and him to fly to Jamaica to they's parents. But she don't want to move, so he moved to Jamaica and she stand with Dan in London, but she started a new lift there. She really think that London is her real home.

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