torsdag 23 januari 2014

Babysitting One Direction

This is a fan fiction about One Direction. Anna Lee is a girl, 18 years old and he additional working like a babysitter. And now she going to babysitting five teenage boys.
When Simon, he who has care about the boys drive her in his car a song she never heard before starts to play. He ask her if she like it, he said that yes, they are good, but it's not my style.
And when they went to the house she met Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall.
They go to the mall, she has never been in a mall before. She has no money so she tell them she not going to buy anything. But they said that they will pay for her.
She don't accept that, she is their babysitter (but Louis is 21 years old?!?!?!).
Niall happened to say that they have a lot of money because they are One Direction, famous over the whole world.
She can't understand that she's a babysitter for the most famous boyband for the moment..

The shopping in the mall and soon they drive the car home again. They show her around and they have bought a lot of clothes to her. She get panic and said that they can't do that. But they said that they have money, it's okay and it's a part of her job.
She tell them to get out of her room and she lay down on the bed and cry. Her life is hard and I feel sorry for her.
Liam comes in to her room again and hug her tight. He tell her that he will always be there for her. He lifted up the edge of her sweater see that she is just bruised. She tell him thats hurt and he said they must go to the hospital. She get panic and said that she hate hospitals.
They go downstairs to the other guys again.
She ask if she may take a little water and Harry go and retrieved it to her. But he had mixed up it with vodka and she is alcohol allergic so they must go to the hospital anyway.
And when they are there she's in coma. Harry is very said, he think it's he's fault and he likes her a lot.
Niall likes her too and he think Harry get's all girls.

Anna Lee is still in coma and Louis get her passport. Anna Lee Tomlinson. Louis lastname is also Tomlinson and he understand that Anna Lee must be his sister he never had met. Their parents broke up and their mother takes him and his other sisters and their dad takes her.
He is very sad because he don't want to lose her again.
Louis talks to Niall, both Harry and Niall likes her. If Louis could choose he would choose Niall to date her, just because Harry had so many girls.
Harry is sitting in Anna Lee's room, he kiss her put and take's her hand, and suddenly she woke up.
Liam has forgot he's phone in the house and now his girlfriend Danielle think he ignored her, and she has seen so many photos with him and Anna Lee. She broke up with him and he is sorrier than never before.
Anna Lee at first don't believe that Louis is her brother but soon she does, and she feel very sorry for Liam about Danielle.

Louis decided to visit his family. Anna Lee going to go there too and they take One Direction's private plane. Louis (and Anna Lee's) family love her, and she love them.

One day Anna Lee got a telephone call and the voice on the other side of the phone line tell her that Ollie, her little brother was on the hospital.
His foster parents has died in a car crash and now she go to London.
Louis call her and ask her where she is, she tell him that she is in London. He send Harry to met she up and they go to MacDonald's.

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