fredag 29 november 2013

"They are my best friends, and I love them" (English reportage)

I sitting in the car, on my way to Cardiff in Whales. There are a man who now has spend two of the last weeks in a small room with many snakes. He earns money if he breed more snakes.
I think he's a bit crazy but brave because snakes can be dangerous and yes, I'm a bit afraid of them.
Just because that I'm little afraid to met him. What if he wants me to hold a snake? Never, I'm to afraid for that.

I look on the map and the directions and i realize that here must it be. I jump out from the car and  take a deep breath of the cold air. It's autumn and really cold. My breath transformed to white smoke and i feel how my cheeks be red of the cold.

I look up on the house, it's white and big. I go upstairs and knock at the door. It's only take some minutes before he open the door. He's smiling and I smile too.

- Hello, I'm Melfyn, and you must be Thilde?
- Hello, yes, that's right. Ready for an interview?
- More than ready! He's smile be bigger and I see that he is really excited to do this.
- Good, he do a motion to me that i could walk in to the house.

In there there where very nice, it's high to the roof and the walls is white. He enters into the kitchen and I follow him. On the table there was groaning with coffee and cookies and he sits on the chair. On the other side of the table there is a empty chair and he pointing on it so i puts me there.
And then the interview started.

- Why like you just snakes, there is so many different (cute?) animals, and you chose just snakes, why? 
- I really don't know, i wanted to start with something unique, and snakes.. They are cool i think.
- If you don't had to have snakes, what animal had you work with? Because you like animlas, or?
- Hm, i don't know, something who is little dangerous, there must be some excitement!
- Your girlfriend don't like snakes, and your life is.. Snakes. how does that work?
- Oh.. She is so afraid of snakes, but I love her, and she loves me, she know that snakes make me happy and so long she don't need to hold them she think that totally okay.
- I don't like snakes so much too. Are you a friend to your snakes? Or are they only animlas?
- I think it sound a little bit weird to say that, but they are my best friends, and I love them like they are my family.

I take a gulp of my coffee and he smile secretively against me.

- What is it? I'm wondering.
- You where afraid of snakes, were not you?
- Yes, little.. What are you gonna do? Now I'm a bit nervous.
- If i have a snake right here, and ask that you keep him, do you do it?
- Ehm, maybe?

And then he took out a snake from an aquarium and give it to me. I don't understand it initially but after one minute I understand that i hold a snake. It's not mucoid it's... I still don't know how to describe the feeling. We take some pictures together and then we say goodbye.

The snakes are his best friends... And now I'm not afraid of snakes anymore. But I'm still can't understand that he lives with them, like they are his family, but all the people like different things.


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