tisdag 26 november 2013

Living with pythons

1. Melfin's mother and the other people in Cardiff think his crazy. What do you think? 
I don't know what I think. But if he has control all the time, okay. He likes them and maybe they are his best friends. I think that i can't stop him. But if I where his girlfriend I had don't like to be with him in his room.

2. How do you feel about snakes? Do you think they are nice, or do they scare you?
 I don't hate snakes, but it's not the first animal i would choose to cuddle with.

3. Why do people often hate snakes?
I think people hate them because they are a little disgusting. They are long and thin and have no hair, i think that people like animals with hair more than animals without hair. Some snakes is dangerous so i think people disconnect them with that.

4. What would you say if someone wanted to give you a python?
I really don't want to have a snake. It's not my kind of animal, and I don't have any time to have more animals. I have one dog and two horses, it's enough for me. So I would say "No" on a nice way. But it's a please mind to think to give me something special.

5. What would you do if you found a snake on your bed?
I had probably scream. It's disgusting with animals like them if they are there I sleep. It's not the commonly to have a snake in the bed, so no. It's really disgusting, ugh!

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