tisdag 16 april 2013


The movie is about Manni, he comes from South America. He will play in London Rangers om trial. Emma picked him up on the airport. Manni met the other ones in the team and the trainer's son doesn't like Manni from the first moment. Manni spilt some orangejuice on himself and when he goes downstairs to wash he goes out on the pitch.  2 guards come and say that he may not go on the pitch. They throw him out. And this is the first time he is in London, he get lost and Emma and the others on the hotel can't find him. Soon they found him and he comes back to the hotel. Manni trains with the reservteam and soon he is very fit, Sophie helps him. Manni trains with the firstteam and plays his first match with London Rangers, Paul is very angry because Manni has taken his place.
Manni's girlfriend became angry with Manni because she thinks they will travel together. Manni says "no" because he wants to play for London Rangers.
It's the end of Lucia's and Manni's time together and Manni starts to like Emma, Pual's girlfriend. Emma likes Manni too and they are together. Paul is very angry right now. First Manni takes his place in the team and now his girlfriend!
Manni plays matches and he scores goals, he is the hero. And before the most important match they do a drugtest and Paul poured drugs into Manni's urine sample. Manni is stopped by the police and everything is upside down. Emma trusts Paul right now and Manni did not do anything criminal.
Paul scores one goal in the first half in the match and Sophie goes to check the surveillance cameras. Now he knows it's Paul!
Paul runs to the hotel and tries to bring Emma "on the journey". Emma doesn't trust him.
Manni played the second half and London United score 1 goal. 1-1.
And Manni scores one goal and they win the match! Manni is a hero again!
But he runs to the hotel and tells Emma the truth. Emma doesn't believe him. But when two policemen took him, Emma believed him and Manni goes to play in the World cup.

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