fredag 6 december 2013

Table talk

Do you take sugar in your tea? 
No, thank you. Only sugar.
How many spoonfuls would you like?

May I take another sandwich, please? 
Yes, of course. Help yourself.
Thank you, they're very good.

Help yourself to some more pie. 
Thanks, it's lovely.
I'm glad you like it. 

I'm afraid I can't finish this. 
Don't worry, just leave it.
Thank you, I'm sorry.

What about a little more? 
No, thanks. I'm fine.
Are you sure? There's plenty here. 

Do you like custard?
I don't know.  have never eaten it before.
Well, would you like to try little?

How do you like the custard?
Not very much, I'm afraid.
Don't worry, you don't have to finish it. 

Would you prefer a hot or cold drink?
Cold, please.
Is orange juice all right? 

Could you pass the sugar, please?
Yes, here you are.
Thank you.

Would you like some sauce?
Yes, please. Just a little.
Is that enough?

I hope you've had enough.
I have. It was a lovely meal, thank you.
You're welcome. 

Look and learn

1. "Hur många skedar?", hur måna skedar av någonting, som i detta fallet socker. Alltså hur många skedar socker personen vill ha. Inte hur många skedar, själva besticket sked.

2a. Help yourself
b. Ta för dig

3a. I'm afraid, I can't finish this.
b. Don't worry, you haven't to.

4. No thank you, it's enough.

5. Can you pass the salt, please?

6. Do you want to have some cheese?

Practise speaking 

Tea or coffee?
Coffee, please.
Do you take milk? 
Yes, please.

I can't finish this, I'm afraid. 
Don't worry, just leave it.
Thank you very much. 
Do you want something to drink?
Yes, please. 

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