tisdag 3 december 2013

Making contact

Hello Mike, how are you?
Fine, thanks. And you?
Very well, thank you. 

Excuse me. I'm Pat Smith. Are you Mr Skinner?
Yes I am, How do you do?
Pleased to met you. 

Would you like some help with that case?
That's kind of you, thank you very much.
You're welcome. 

Can you tell me if there's a lift near here, please?
Yes, look! Over there by the main entrance.
I see it. Thank you very much. 

Excuse me, do you know how this machine works?
I'm sorry, i don't. Why don't you ask that policeman?
That's a good idea, thank you. 

Excuse me. Is this seat free?
Is it all right if I sit here?

Excuse me, that's my newspaper. 
Is it? Oh, I'm sorry.
That's all right. 

Is anything the matter?
Yes, I've left my money at home.
Don't worry. I can lend you some. 

What is it? Is it Sal? I can hardly hear you. 
Hang on. Contact,s bad here. I'll go outside. Is that better?
Yes. I hear you fine now. 

Is that you again, Terry? We got cut off.
I know, are you ringing from a payphone?
Yes, and i ran out of change. 

Goodmorning. I'd like to speak to Mrs. Walker, please. 
I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.
Oh, I'm sorry! I'll try again. 

Can you put me through Mr White, please?
Sorry, the line's engaged, can you hold?
No, I'm afraid I can't. I'll ring back later. 

Hi! It's Sam. I sawed you'd called me.
Yes, do you want to go bowling with us afternoon?
Sorry, i haven't got time. 

Im trying to ring a number, but I can't get through.
What number do you want? I'll try and connect you.
It's 1036-660481

Pratctise speaking 

Excuse me, but this is my bag.

Oh, sorry.
That's all right.

Can you tell me were i can found a cashpoint here?
Yes, over there at the entrance.
Thank you very much.

Hello, it's David, Is Eve there?
No, can I help you.
No, sorry. I call back later.

Hello. I can hardly hear you.
I can go outside the house, hang on.
Okay, that was much better. 

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